Pizza pizza pizza! Do you enjoy trying simple recipes? This is a great simple recipe for a delicious pizza night.
I went to Aldi’s today and was thinking, well, what can I make for dinner tonight? Started walking through the store, picked up quite a few fruits and vegetables… but still had not found dinner. I was thinking, maybe tacos? Okay, go grab some taco shells. Then as I was approaching the checkout lane, I noticed pizza pies with packets of red sauce, but then you add the rest of the ingredients. And it got me thinking…. (okay, okay, lots of things get me thinking!)…
How about flatbread pizza made with flour tortillas?
And a new recipe began!
Special note! The recipe has changed! No more corn meal, and you wind up with a more crispy crust!
1. Flour tortilla.
2. Crushed tomatoes in a can
3. Shredded cheese. Personally, I like mixed cheeses for this recipe. Taco blends, Mexican blends. I used mozzarella for awhile but rarely even buy it anymore.
4. Italian herbs

And your toppings – be creative!
1. Pepperoni
2. Mushrooms

1. Preheat oven to 450F
2. Lay flour tortilla on ungreased cookie sheet
3. Spread the crushed tomato sauce lightly on the tortilla. Be careful, too much is going to make a soggy pizza, too little won’t give it much taste!
4. Cover nicely with dry Italian herb seasoning
5. Cover with cheese. Like more cheese? Go for it!
6. Add toppings
7. Bake for 8 to 12 minutes. You’ll have to keep an eye on it. Baking sheets make a difference! Also the amount of toppings makes a difference.
8. When you do take the pizza out of the oven, let it sit for three minutes so the cheese stops boiling. Remember it is HOT.
9. Place on a cutting board or a plate to cut it with a roller rutter. Why not cut it on the cookie sheet? Because you’ll damage the cookie sheet. Ask me how I know! 🙂
10. Eat!