Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by!
Okay, here goes. Here are my tasks as I ended the night last night.
Tomorrow I will get up and do this all again… except for a few things differently.
- Will exercise tomorrow morning! I will do some type of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). More on this later
- Will have to fix this Mailjet
- Need to activate a few phones on my cell carrier
- Need to take back some product to Best Buy
- Need to exercise again tomorrow night
Here’s how far I got…
Morning exercise
I did it! I woke up at 645 for a morning exercise. Wasn’t much. I’ve been working the 30 day six pack.
I’m not all that far into the exercise yet. But I figured something new out! Planks. Everyone knows planks are great for the core. Do this the next time you plank: Tighten every muscle in your body and do that plank! It is difficult to breathe while you are tight, but you will be toked!
Fix Mailjet
No love. I’m very disappointed. I think this has something to do with certificates. I’m working to change a few things around to fix it. I’ve gotten rid of the synthetic DNS records, and configured a few additional certificates. But, I’m not done. I spent about an hour on it.
But it is worse than I thought. It turns out nothing is sending through WordPress. It isn’t just Mailjet.

Now it is late, and I need to get this post out before the end of the night. Carrying this task on for tomorrow.
Activating a few phones
Absolutely did not work out. I’m with Sprint at the moment. I’ll have to write about this in separate email.
Return to Best Buy
Oh golly, not fun. I bought phones to activate on Sprint, and that didn’t work out. I went to return the phones to Sprint.

Best buy is just no fun. The people are great, the business is not. I’m told, oh, returnable until April 17th really means returnable until April 16th, they just write April 17th … for no good reason? It took an hour to return. I got on the horn with Best Buy Corporate, and they said, oh, yeah, just kidding about that April 17th date, we really mean a day that is not on your ticket, and that day has passed.
In the end they wound up sending me the shipping labels via email, and Best Buy said they would take care of the shipment back. It turned out okay, but it was quite a journey getting there.
Exercise at night
Absolutely did not happen.
Recap of the day? Woke up at 645. Short exercise. Shower, et al. Drove to work. Got home from work at 615 (about 12 hours gone for work related activities). Went to Best Buy. Got home around 915. Worked for an hour or so on SMTP, to no avail. Then wrote this post.
My list of activities for tomorrow
- Will exercise tomorrow morning! I will do some type of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). More on this later
- Will have to fix this Mailjet
- Take back something at Macy’s
- Create a post on The Privileged Race. Read a great email from a doctor who got doxxed via Twitter by a female patient. White Privilege, Nationalism, Male Privilege… all these things have taken more mental capacity than I thought possible.
- Write an article on how to use LinkedIn
- Need to exercise tomorrow night
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