Category: Life
The Eight Way Split: When A Gambler Knows It Is Love (A Short Story)
in LifeI’ve done pretty well for myself. I have enough and I’m not hungry. I can buy everything that I need, and a lot of what I want. I have a decent credit score and adequate credit card liquidity. I’m doing okay. Sure, I’m not doing as well as Elon Musk, but I’m doing well for…
Catastrophizing and Overcoming Worst Case Thinking
in LifePiglet and Pooh are in the woods cowering from a storm. Piglet is afraid…. And this…. “Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?”, Piglet asked. “Supposing it didn’t,” said Pooh. After careful thought, Piglet was comforted by this. Piglet is terrified that a tree may fall on them, which could reasonably…
Unraveling Pink’s Psychological Journey in The Wall
in LifeDisclosure: The text that follows is presented as educational with no restrictions on use, intended to evaluate the efficacy of current ChatGPT capabilities with regard to applying Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria to a fictional character. I was recently listening to Pink Floyd’s The Wall in a completely different frame of mind,…
The Psychology Of Apology: Breaking Free From Blame
We’ve all been there: I make a mistake, bump into someone, or say something hurtful. The natural response? An apology. I am sorry. But have you ever stopped to consider whether your apology empowers the recipient, or if some apologies, under the guise of remorse and reconciliation, are actually a sneaky form of aggression?
Beyond the forecast: Rain, reflection, the power of burning bridges
in LifeWeather conditions: rain. Really? Forecast no rain, 0.00 inches for ten days, nothing but sun. Rain is so many things. A way of cleansing the earth, a regular bath, an awakening, a spiritual passage, a reminder of my green thumb mom who had a perfect lawn and could make everything grow – including me. Rain…
The trigger trap: From anger to relationship
This essay explores the destructive nature of anger, what triggers anger, and offers strategies for managing triggers before they escalate.
The power of pause: Redefining compassion in a fix-it world
I realize that some of us are at a point where we know other people need to change and get well before they can love, before they can be loved, that their path to success is blocked by their trauma, their the issues that have been building for years, so we urge them to fix…
Libraries: Unveiling the treasure trove of freebies at yours!
in LifeOften overlooked as mere repositories of books, libraries are veritable treasure troves of free resources and services that can enrich your life in countless ways. Beyond the realm of literature, libraries offer a plethora of opportunities for learning, entertainment, and personal growth, all without breaking the bank. Step into your local library and discover a…
To love… and be loved! Matchmaker, make me a match!
in LifeThis feels… odd. Even though I’ve tried “online dating”, having a web site devoted to my search just feels… odd! But here goes. As you may have guessed by now, I like to write, and I like to share! Hence why I have web sites, and YouTube channels, and all kinds of avenues to share…
And miles to go before I (sing you to) sleep
in LifeHello dear reader! What’s going on you ask? Well thank you for asking. Bear with me a bit, it might sound like ramblings, but I really am trying to make a point. In this life I believe practice makes perfect. I think you need to practice who you wish to be, in order to be…
“What is love?”
in Life“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.” ~~ Plato As others have also done and maybe even you, I’ve spent my share of money trying to resolve relationship battles. I’ve tried individual…
You will always be enough…
in LifeRemember when the days go long, remember those who love you for you, love you for all of you, love you because of you, love you in spite of you. And remember to love them today. Because they will always be with you. Even after your life returns to dust. They will be with you.…
Day 1 – 28 day challenge
I’ve been challenged to a 28 day post spree. This is my first day, my random thoughts of the day.
Sailing Vessel Mystiko
in LifeSail racing requires coordination among the crew, significant communication during the race, and planning. Lots of planning. Quite regularly, the positions on a racing sailboat are clearly identified but poorly defined. Things happen quickly during a race — even on a slow sailing vessel! In order to keep everyone safe, and at the same time…