Category: health
The Psychology Of Apology: Breaking Free From Blame
We’ve all been there: I make a mistake, bump into someone, or say something hurtful. The natural response? An apology. I am sorry. But have you ever stopped to consider whether your apology empowers the recipient, or if some apologies, under the guise of remorse and reconciliation, are actually a sneaky form of aggression?
The trigger trap: From anger to relationship
This essay explores the destructive nature of anger, what triggers anger, and offers strategies for managing triggers before they escalate.
The power of pause: Redefining compassion in a fix-it world
I realize that some of us are at a point where we know other people need to change and get well before they can love, before they can be loved, that their path to success is blocked by their trauma, their the issues that have been building for years, so we urge them to fix…
Virgin Pulse – how to maximize points
in healthMany of us are “encouraged” to use Virgin Pulse by our employers. The encouragement might take the form of “IF you gain a certain number of points, THEN you’ll have a reduced health insurance premium or copay.” If you are one of the folks who are being encouraged to use Virgin Pulse, you’ve come to…
Cholesterol: Managing your health through healthy eating and living
in healthI have a bit of “bad blood” in my family. I mean, bad blood, as in heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, you know, that kind of bad blood. The other kind of Taylor Swift bad blood is beyond the scope of this blog! Anyway, it seems the magic number was 50 for me. As I…