Hello dear reader! What’s going on you ask? Well thank you for asking. Bear with me a bit, it might sound like ramblings, but I really am trying to make a point.
In this life I believe practice makes perfect. I think you need to practice who you wish to be, in order to be a better you tomorrow. And I think it is reasonable to have an idea of who you wish to be tomorrow, and to “send it” to the universe and to god to help you be that person tomorrow. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m okay with sending good things today even if I am wrong. Each time you write this “letter of good words” on your heart to share with others, you get a little better at writing those letters of good words. Each time you write those good words to people, to the universe, to god, you write on your heart who you are, and who you are trying to be. You aren’t writing what you “demand” of someone else or something else, you are writing who you are, and who you are trying to be.
In terms of finding your soul’s mate, the more you write it on your heart, the more likely you will be able to be that person you wish to see in someone else. To see the reflection of your soul in someone else. To see your soul’s mate.
For me, “sending it” includes doing for others, helping others, especially those who have no voice. Feeding those who are without a home, and tending to children of every age 1 to 100 (autism comes to mind) are my two sticks in the mud, the two things that are in my swim lane at the moment. Other people who I respect take care of animals, or defend the rights of immigrants. Immigrants is a group with whom I feel deeply connected. My mother was an immigrant, and just now I am realizing I am a first generation United States citizen. So thank you to everyone who takes care of others. I love you for that.
Anyway, this is what brought all this up right now. I bought some pillow cases recently. On the package is this poem:
“I would like to sing someone to sleep, have someone to sit by and be with. I would like to softly sing, be your companion while you sleep or wake. I would like to be the only person in the house who knew: The night outside was cold.”
~~ a portion of a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke on NTBAY’s pillow cases
Keeping someone “warm from the cold” is so much more than cold. It is not about the temperature outside. The cold harshness of this world. I would like to be the only person in our relationship that knows that life outside is hard, it is harsh. I want you to feel safe. I want you to not have to concern yourself with this world, only with the pleasantness of being warm, with me. The world isn’t always a pleasant place, and I never want you to feel the harshness of the world. Gosh. That’s… without words. At least to me.
This singing opportunity wasn’t exactly my wish, and I know some of you who have heard me sing might think no one would want me to sing them to sleep. But it truly got me thinking about our short lives here on earth. I think singing to our partner should be part of our dance, it should be part of each of our lives. When we were children, some of us were fortunate enough to have someone who would sing us to sleep, who would protect us from this world. And those of us who didn’t, maybe that is something that was missing in our lives. Consider it, what a magical thing to do for the person you love. To sing them to sleep.
And maybe this is true. When you meet your soul’s mate, you will want the very last thing you hear to be their voice. The voice of your soul’s mate. The voice of the person who loves you. The voice of the person who your soul knows is yours.
Because one day soon enough, you will not wake up from your sleep.
And that voice of your soul’s mate singing to you, singing you to your last sleep, will be the very last sound you ever hear in this world. And that voice will be with you. Forever.
“… and miles to go before I sleep …” from Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, BY Robert Frost
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