Anguilla vessel

Don’t get soaked! Guide to affordable Florida vehicle registration renewal

Just when one might think they’ve paid “all” their taxes, their birthday comes up and vehicle registration tax along with it. In Florida, this happens with the onset of your birthday. You get a birthday card from the county asking for more taxes.

There are a number of ways to pay this tax. I’m writing this so I’ll be able to find the most reasonable web site next year! In Florida at least, there are “fees” to add to the tax bill, associated with how you are going to pay the vehicle registration.

Table of contents

And for what it is worth, that vessel in the photo is not registered in FL, so no FL taxes were paid. The rest of my vehicles are FL registered, and of course along with that comes the tax.

Pay via bank push

One way to pay is via a bank account. You can log into your favorite bank, and “push” the payment to the county. This is the best advice if you remember to pay in advance. You can log into your bank, and send the check via the bank.

Be sure to add as much information from the registration as possible. For example, add the PIN number to the check Memo field, and the Tag/Decal/Vessel #, and any other identifiers that are available.

Florida highway safety and motor vehicle web site

Convenience fee of $2

This is the least expensive online option that I’ve found. If you know of others please send me the links and I’ll share it for others.

Redirects to

Convenience fee of $3.50

Fascinating. On the FRONT of the Miami-Dade county registration renewal notice is a private company URL owned by “Grant Street Group” in Pittsburgh. One might wonder why a private company advertised on the front of the renewal notification?

Miami Dade tax collector web site

Convenience fee of $3.50

Printed on the back of the registration renewal. This routes to the Grant Street company printed on the front


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